Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's over. (deep sigh)

Well, it's over. Thanksgiving has again, come and gone. For some, without much notice. For me however, I think this is the Holiday that means more and more to me every year.

I just think how much I have in life to be thankful for. I had the opportunity to Spend Thanksgiving in St George with my Mom & Dad and my friend April and her Family. As we were getting ready for dinner, Megan got a text from a friend of hers, asking if we were going to be around, and if he could could he come have dinner with us. His parents, have apparently had some kind of mid life crisis and left him, the youngest of 5 ( I think) with his older, not very responsible siblings, to move to Lake Powell. They did offer for him to move with them, but he wanted to stay here. I don't know all of the ins and outs of their family life, but just from what I have seen, it isn't very happy. Anyway, he was all alone on Thanksgiving Day, and didn't have anything much to eat.

As we sat around after dinner, I thought of how glad I am that I was raised by such an amazing family! How glad I am to have so many people around who care about me, and are thinking about me. (Thanks Kati for keeping an eye on our house while we were away) Thankful for good friends who encourage me to better myself, even when they don't know I have seen them being amazing. Thanks to my friend April for putting up with me for so long.

Such a simple thing, to have put me in such a reflective thought process, but I thought back to when I was 16/17, and the thought of having to spend the Holiday alone, let alone have to fend for myself as far as food! I know I am SO spoiled! Thanks to my parents for making sure that I never really wanted for anything. Especially the really important stuff, like teaching us the Gospel and making sure we knew that we were loved.

My gratitude list is so long I can't even begin, because I would run out of room to write it all. That would be the reason I have come to love Thanksgiving so much and every year I find that I have even more than I did the year before to be grateful for.

Thank you to all the amazing people that have an affect on my life.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fords Christmas Concert

Well, ok it's not just Ford's concert. Still if anyone would like to hear a great Christmas concert, West Point Jr is having their concert on Dec 16th at 7 pm. To get a good seat though you should be there by at least 6:30.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am sorry.

I am sorry for anything I have or may have done, both in the past or the present, that may have or probably did offend someone. I am truly sorry.
Now the reason I feel such need to write about this is because, I have been faced with a situation today, that made me wonder if there has ever been a time when I might not have been, either out of line, or just to selfish in my own way of thinking, that might have caused someone else pain that I didn't even know I had inflicted. Or that I might just have felt justified in my actions.
I have a friend, who has determined to not to come to church again, due to the actions of someone who may, or may not know what they have done. And I know that we need to go to church for our own good, and not because people are nice to us while we are there. I get that. It's just like, well, like the thought that our homes should feel to us like a safe place to be. Right? Well, in my heart and mind, I think of church, and our ward family much the same way. We should feel like we are going to be safe when we go to church. No, I do not think we are all going to get along great, nor do I think that we are all going to have the same opinions or standards of living. But I do think that if we are truly trying to be Christ like, and live the religion we are, that we would at least try to show compassion and caring for someone else who might come into contact with us.
My heart breaks for those who feel like no matter where they go, they are either not welcome, or not accepted for the people they are and the gifts they have that they might bring to the table, so to speak. Or that they will be criticized for something no matter what.
I have made a personal challenge with myself,(hence why it is personal ;)) that why I am at church, to try to be aware of how my actions may be affecting those around me.
I know, for me this is going to be a huge challenge! I am not the most reverent person. Some days there are 3 year olds that behave better than I do. Chet is often sshhhuusshhing me and Megan. He tells me "don't you know how distracting that is?" Well, in my simple mind, I didn't think it was really that big of a deal. For me, I am usually looking for a distraction! I know I'm bad. Again I am sorry if I have been a distraction.
I know that I want to be liked and accepted, as does everyone else in one way or another. Just remember the golden rule. "do unto others as you would have done unto you" That is sometimes a hard one to do, but if we really do look at things this way, wouldn't we all be even just a little happier? That's my goal, to both be just a little happier, by trying to make someone else just a little happier. And to my friend, I hope you come back soon, you are missed, if not by everyone, at least by those of us that have taken the time to really get to know you.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Such a good day!

Have you ever had one of those days, where come what may, you are bound to be in a good mood, no matter what?
Well, if you haven't I feel bad for you, but if you have, then you know exactly how today has been for me. :) If you can't see it in the words I am typing, I am grinning from ear to ear!
I don't know what it is, but I LIKE IT! There was no unusual start to the day. In fact truth be told, the day really should have started out really bad. Megan has lost her driving privileges again, and had to be taken to school, which means, my day is usually a little more stressful. With having to leave earlier and deal with disappointed anger being directed my way. Today though, everything went smoothly. Megan and I didn't even argue on our way to drop her off at school! ( I have to say that has been one of the best things about her driving herself, no on the way to school lectures / arguments)
With work, there were a few things that I thought were going to push every putton I have, but for some reason, there was this under lying calm.
It has just been a great day! An "I happy to be alive" day! This may not be note worthy to someone else, but for me it almost seems like a great personal achievement. Although, I am sure that I did not achieve it on my own! Life is a fun and fantastic journey! I am so grateful I am able to live it to the fullest! And do it with a smile on my face!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sadies & Trying to be positive

So a quick update on Megan's date to Sadie's. She had a good time and everything went well. The date didn't start as early as she would have like for it to start, because her date, Steven, had to work until 5. So, instead they got together with the kids they had planned the day date with in the evening and had pizza at Lindsey Moss' house, and then they went to the dance. Afterward Megan decided to bring Steven here, so we could meet him, after they stopped to get a frosty fro Wendy's. When they got here with their frosties, Chet decided that he HAD to have one. So we left them here playing "Guitar Hero" while we went to get a frosty. All in all a good night for Megan. Yay!
A while ago my parents got into thins positive thinking thing. I am not sure it is even any, thing. If nothing else it is for sure a way of positive thinking, and how a persons attitude will affect everything in their life. In a good way or a bad way, depending on a persons own frame of mind. The goal I think, if I understand it correctly, is that there is good in every event in our life. And if we can just focus on that good thing, no matter how bad our situation, we will come out on top, so to speak.
Well, personally I have always had a struggle with the positive thinking side of things. It has always been easier for me to see " the glass half empty". I spent a few weeks, at separate times, visiting my folks this summer, and I think for me, having my Dad & Mom, continually telling me to "focus on something good" in whatever situation I was in, be it arguing with my kids, my hubby, or yelling at an annoying driver. It had an impact on me and my way of thinking. Now don't get me wrong, I still have to get on myself DAILY and sometimes even minute by minute, trying to make sure that I am not getting stuck in the mire of what ever it is that is wrong with any given circumstance.
I have to tell you, that this was the time in my life that I really need to focus on the good. This year at work, thing have been a real challenge, and I have been trying SO hard to keep in mind all of the good things about my job and everything that went good that day. Every day has NOT been a success either! On the days that I consider less than positive, I can honestly say that once I get stuck in the mire of woes and bad thoughts and sometime negative chit chat, that it has only served to bring me lower. Not only that, it seems like for the next several days after, I spend SO much time digging out of that pit, that it seems like I have lost so much time.
Anyway, I have had a few people in the last while, (both at work and other wise) tell me how much they appreciate my good attitude and how impressed they are that I am trying so hard to keep positive. I didn't take on this personal challenge so that I would get a pat on the back from anyone. I did it to try to see, if I couldn't make myself a happier person, and in the process a better Wife and Mother. I do have to say though, that it is nice to know that my efforts are working, in more ways than just with my family. In the same token, I think I should be a little embarrassed, if it is that noticeable then I really wonder how bad must I have been sometimes.
This road may be long, but I am learning to enjoy all of the journey, not just the highlights! I am trying to be a positive person, and in doing so I think I am becoming more of a friend to myself than I have ever been. I hope that I will continue to be a point of positive energy to myself and to those around me. And a sincere thanks to my Parents for their everlasting and far reaching affects on my life. I love you both!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

AARRGGHH The Dentist!

It seems I have been having a lot to do with the dentist lately, and I must say; that I DON'T like it much at all!
I have always hated going to the dentist. Always! Even when I was younger, with the prospect of being able to get a prize when everything was all said and done, I still wanted to avoid it if there was any way possible.
I haven't even been the best at getting my kids to the dentist. I know I should, and I'm a horrible mom, but I just dread all the smells and sounds of a dentist office. Part of my latest dread, is the dentist office going in RIGHT next to my house. It is so close to my house, that they should have made a door for me to have access. There hasn't been a person that knows where I live and seen the building, that hasn't asked either what the heck was going up so close to our house, or what are "we" adding onto our house. I will be able to hear the dentist work as it is happening. JOY! I am so looking forward to what I have to look forward to.
Not only that I have spent the last month having all kinds of dental work done. So just when I have recovered from one event, I get to go through the whole thing again! The pain finally goes away, just to be reborn, shortly after. I had an exam with my new dentist, he sent my to a "specialist" (code word for even more expensive than your average dentist), to have a root canal done. Then I got to go back and have the prep done for the crown. Then I had to wait a week and go back and have the crown seated. So, now not only am I having pain and discomfort inflicted upon me, I am driving all over town, all month long to have this done!
Then my favorite thing, we just got dental insurance for the first time ever, and I have to tell you, I think the dentists jack up what they would normally charge if a person has insurance, so that in the end they end up paying what they would have paid without the insurance! The difference being now they get a statement from the insurance telling them what wasn't accepted and some people think they are actually getting a deal!
I understand these people go to school for a long time, and I understand they pay a lot for their equipment, and have to work in peoples dirty stinky mouths all day long. But they chose that. I just can't see how an honest person can take someone for SO much money and still think they are being honest. I just can't see it.
I have said it before, I would rather have surgery any day of the week, than go to the dentist! At least with the surgery, I feel like I have gotten my monies worth.
oh, one more thing about the dentist office going in next door. It really could be something far worse going in there. Like a convenience store or something like that. I just really wish it wasn't practically on my house.
I think I have vented enough for now. This whole little blog thing may be really good for my pent up frustrations.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So today I am celebrating Chet's birthday. I am celebrating it for a good many reasons, mostly I think though it is because he was born, to be placed in my life!

Looking back on the past 20 years, I have no doubt that he was born just for me! You know that cheesy line "you complete me"? Well, as cheesy as it sounds it is more than just a little true for us. I think that we complete each other! I thank God every day that we have been blessed to be together and to have worked out the many problems that we have had, and are still together. And that we still like each other in spite of or maybe because of it all. So, again I say I am celebrating my sweet hubbies birth!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's sunday.

Sunday can be one of the most relaxing days. Then again it can be a day of stress after much reflecting on the fact that tomorrow, we again must return to work!
I'm just kidding. Sort of.This is the first year since getting located at the school I am working at that I have really wished I was somewhere else. I am not sure if it has to do with the fact that they are doing construction on our kitchen, or if it is something else that has changed. I am hoping that it is just the construction, that is the problem and that as soon as it is done and over everything will go back to normal. Until then I must honestly say that I am NOT looking forward to going to work. It is really sad that we are all counting down to our next day off. ( I am shaking my head in sadness)

Today was my sister Mindy's' "Home Coming" for the Dream Maker academy. It was a very interesting program. Lots of sharing. i have decided that I don't need a program like that really, as I pretty much "share" whatever is on my mind anyway. I share even sometimes when I really should keep it to myself. I guess the good thing is that you never really have to guess what I am thinking or what I am feeling at any given moment. Even if I am not saying anything, sometimes that isn't even necessary. I am a pretty easy book to read. Again, not sure that is a good thing.
The one thing I did like about the "home coming" was that they did acknowledgements. You know, taking the time to tell someone else something that you appreciated about them or something they had done. Most people have a problem sharing things like that with other people. So it was kinda of nice to be some place where it was more or less expected. My sister took me aside and "acknowledged" me for being part of her life. I don't feel like I have been much of a part, but if I have been any part for good I am glad.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts for this Sunday.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I guess this is one way....

I have wanted to start keeping a journal of sorts, and just haven't ever done it. So I guess this is one way I can at least keep track of our family and the goings on. Without taking up all the space on my families blog.
It's official, Megan is going on a date! She asked a guy that she works with to the "Sadie Hawkins" dance. So now she is going to go on her first official date! As I am typing this out my stomach is churning! I am excited for her and also a little apprehensive for her. I have NO advise for her due to the fact that the "dating scene" is so completely different from what it was when I was her age. I don't think the kids today even know how to date. Anymore they all just get together in a big group and just "hang out". I hope she has a great time and also that her date is kind and he too will have a good time. Bad dates are never fun for either party.
So join with me in hoping for the best possible out come.
Also in wishing that they would slow down time so I can keep them here with me for longer than I know they will be here.
For now though I must say that I am truely enjoying the ride.