Sunday, November 22, 2009

Looking for ways to serve....

Today's lesson in R.S. was on giving service to others. It really stuck in my head because service is always something I would like to improve on but almost always seem to forget when life gets moving at what seems to me to be mach ten!
As this truly is an area I would like to improve in, just know that I will be looking for was to give service. I am not sure just how to go about this, but I am sure that if I am looking the Lord will let me know. If any of you have any ideas please feel free to share with me. Or if any of you need any kind of help or service please let me help you. I feel so strongly that I need to be doing more of this.


mom&dad said...

Your aunt Faye, can use your service by way of a simple visit from you.. you may even find something she may need help with..

Kati said...

You are one of the best people I know at giving service! Hello! I was totally thinking that all through the lesson - I should have told you. You have made such a difference in our lives with your kindness, friendship, and yummy homemade bread! :) We love you, Jana. :)

Anonymous said...

I loved our lesson too, it was awesome!