Thursday, January 13, 2011


There really is nothing new and exciting in my life, however; I did start taking the manager training, once again, just this week in hopes of being able to better help Chet financially care for our family.
I can say though that the early mornings and the below freezing temps have really made me question if this job is really the one for me! I do think though, that I would be able to do this job well and I know already that I love the kids. It doesn't seem to matter if they are high school, junior high, or elementary age. They are just fun to be around!
Right now I am training at an elementary school and I have had more compliments for these little ones. It is really good for and ego, if i wasn't focusing on trying not to mess things up! If I was the only one who had to deal with the mess up, that would be one thing, but I know when I leave, the manager of the school may well have to clean up any mess I might have left behind. Hence the stressing to try not to leave any kind of mess for her. I hate cleaning up someone else's mess!
I can also say that I am truly ready for it to start warming up! This year the cold has seemed to bit so much deeper than ever before and I am really not liking it. I am grateful though that there hasn't seemed to be as much snow! (Now that I say that watch it dump on us...) Sorry Dad, a moment of negative thought....
Life is good! I am learning new things that are making me stretch and grow. Hopefully in a direction that will be the best first for me and secondly for my family!

1 comment:

Kallie said...

I agree 100%, when I worked at the elementary I felt so positive when I left everyday. Kids compliment you and hug you all the time, it was a self esteem builder for sure.