Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well, it got here faster than I remember. I can honestly say I am not READY for it to be November yet!
It will be good though to take a mental and a public note of all of the things I am grateful for.
The last time I tried to write a big long post everyday, it just about killed me, so I was thinking I am going to keep it short and to the point. Then if I feel so inclined to go a little more in-depth then so be it. Today though I am really not in the mood to be in-depth.
So...lets start this off with what I am probably most grateful for 98% of the time. That would be Chet! So grateful we are here together after all this time and through all the junk we've been through! So grateful for Chet!! I love you Babe!!! :) The end!

1 comment:

Trish said...

Thanks Jana for your idea!!