Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 24 2014

On this day I was so very grateful that when I got up to go to work, it had not snowed! I know, I is the time of year that we are suppose to get snow. It is to be expected and for some, they even look forward  to it (gasp!) Although I can not for the life of me imagine why. Even in pictures and the first little bit right after a snow storm, the beauty of all the white can not bring me to appreciate the wet and cold I associate with snow. I have tried, but I just can't. SO knowing that it had been suppose to snow all weekend and didn't really do what had been predicted, I was apprehensive that I would wake on Monday to find all the snow playing catch up!.
So again, I say I was very grateful that I didn't even have to scrape my windows! :) Happy day for me.

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