Monday, June 28, 2010


Well I found out today I did not get a manager position. I have to admit that I am a bit more dis-heartened than I thought I would be about it. I had a feeling last week when I hadn't heard anything, but still even though I tried to plan for it, I am a bit more disappointed.
I think what bothers me most is I feel like I wish I contributed more to the house hold income. Not much that I can do about it though, I guess I will try to take the training again this up coming year so that I can try again next year and maybe have a better shot at it.
It is not all bad. I at least like the school I will be going back to.
I will try to continue to remind myself the Lord has a plan, I just need to do my part to try to make sure I am where he wants me to be so I don't miss out on any opportunities He might have in mind for me.

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