Saturday, July 3, 2010


Well, I went to another funeral yesterday. Let me just tell you that they don't get any easier, and the ones for infants and kids get harder the older you get!
As a bit of back ground, some friends of ours have never been able to have kids of their own, but have been blessed to be able to adopt a couple of kids along the way. A couple of years ago their last child that they were able to adopt (a little girl) ended up with a rare form of cancer. They have fought a very brave battle since then, going into remission once, only to have the cancer return with a vengeance, and ended up winning in the end.
You will never go to a sadder funeral than that of a child, and the one that Chet and I went o yesterday was probably one of the saddest I will ever have to go to!
If I never have to go to another child's funeral again in my life time it will be all to soon!
I have been having some struggles of my own lately with my oldest, but this made me think about the fact hat at least she is here to be struggling with! I can not imagine having to go through saying good bye at some place of final rest.
Our friend (the Mother) actually apologized at the end of the funeral for becoming emotional about having to leave her baby girl at the cemetery. (They needed for us to leave so that they could let the trains start running again.)
I cannot imagine the agony of having to leave your baby, at such a lonely place. Thank goodness for knowing that life does go on on the other side and there is a great plan and work for all of us. I just hope to be able to remember that on a daily basis and do the best that I can do.
I also hope that I will leave behind something worth remembering when I am gone. Life is SO short! Remember to make the most of it while you are here.

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