Thursday, July 29, 2010

Almost over....

Well, time is just flying right along. The summer is already almost over :( I am more saddened by it this year than most, maybe because Megan won't be going back to school. At least not as of yet. I am also going to miss the r=time that I have been able to spend with Chet and I have been able to spend together. At least two days a week or more I have been able to go work with him and share the days with him. I really enjoy this and am going to miss it immensely.
I have spent quite a bit of time out riding my bike, but if things go well, I am planning on riding to and from work everyday. Even if I have some small errands to run after work if I take a back pack with me I should be able to do at least some of them before I go home, so I should be able to log quite a few miles every day. At least that is the goal.
Ford is working at Artic Circle as of this moment and Megan is working at Subway still. She is also looking for another job at the moment. I won't say how hard she is or has been looking. For her sake I hope she finds something soon. She has been introduced to the world of credit, she purchased some contacts and glasses and didn't have the money to pay for them up front so chose to finance them. We will see how fast she learns this lesson. Hopefully faster than we as her parents did. Oh well, it is her lesson to learn. In general life is moving right along and things are going well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree summer is going way to fast this year!