Thursday, November 7, 2013

Being me!

This post maight sound a bit self absorbed, or concieted, and I certainly do not mean for it to be such. SO, let it be stated, I by no means think of myself as better than any one ever!
  That being said, today I am totally grateful to be ME! It has taken me a long time to get where I am. To be okay with the person looking back at me from the glass.
I have to admit, that there are still those days when I look and what I see still falls so short of where I feel like I should be! And in some aspects of my life, that my never change. (Take for instance my attendance of church services and civic duties.)
Anyway, after a very long and uncomfortable day, after being stretched far beyond my comfort zone, I can honestly say I am okay just being me. Hanging out in the background, helping out where needed but not wanting to be put in the limelight. (what is limelight anyway?)  At the same time, I am glad I have been given these moments, where I can see that where I am is not the only place I will be able to survive!
Being me hasn't always been a comfortable place, but right now, in this space and time. There is no one else, and no place else I would rather be!

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