Friday, November 1, 2013

Well, here it is again...

Well, here it is again, already! The first of November! The month when we tend to reflect a little bit more on the year that is almost behind us, and when we try a little harder perhaps to remember ALL of the things we are grateful for. 
I try when in daily prayer to remember to be thankful for all my blessings, but there is something different about writing them down and looking at them in print that truly puts them in a different perspective. At least for me. start this month off, I will be thankful for my current challenge, and also subsequently a quarter of my soul and huge chunk of my heart. 
My daughter Megan.

Megan is my sunshine, my bright spot, my funny little girl, my memory (she remembers things for me), she is beautiful, strong and talented.
She also has a huge heart. For everyone! She feels for the underdog and befriends everyone. She is incredibly loyal.

She is currently going through some major life changes and very personal struggles, but I know over time she will come out of this on top! She will be stronger and more resilient than ever, and have an ever great perspective on life.   
Even though this is her challenge, Her journey. I have been drawn into this challenge right there along with her. That's what Moms do. That's how the job of Mom works. For most of us anyway. We can't just sit back and watch as the world unfolds around our children without being affected by the way it is affecting a part of our souls and hearts. It just doesn't work that way. Which in some ways is good, but in some ways just doesn't seem fair.

   Still, when this is all said and done, whatever the outcome, I honestly believe that she will come out on top! It may take a little while to dig out from the rubble, but when it is all said and done and the dust settles, she will be sitting on top, dirt smudges on her face right there with a smile. The angel in my life she was sent to be!
Megan Chelsey Parker Nelson, I love you! Thank you for your example and your inspiration! You are one of my heros! 

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