You know, I believe that things always happen for a reason. I would never hope to assume that I know all those reasons but sometimes you just do.
Today in Relief Society our lesson was given by a great lady (Sybil Jemmett, who also happens to be my neighbor across the street) and when she got up to give the lesson she announced that she had prepared the wrong lesson. Things being what they are, it all work out ok and she gave the lesson she had prepared. It was a wonderful lesson on the talk given by Dallin H Oaks, about service to others.
I just have to tell you, this was one of those times when I just knew, that this was the lesson we were suppose to have gotten today! There was a fantastic spirit in the room and the lesson kind of took a turn towards selfishness and how it affects our being able to serve.
I was reminded of a time when service to others was pretty much the last thing on my mind. I had let me life take a turn in a direction that I never thought it would, and I was, as it were, 'far from home'. I was at the time meeting with a wise Stake President, and he told me "that if we as Humans, could over come ONE sin, we would be able to over come every sin!" Then he asked me if I knew what sin that might be? When I told him I didn't know, he told me it was the sin of Selfishness!
He was of course so right! As he reminded me, every sin I had ever committed had been done out of pure selfishness. Be it out right, or disguised, it had been done in selfishness.
I think it is human nature to be selfish, to want things and to want someone to make you feel important or special. Day to day I am sure that we don't get all that we feel that we need.
I probably don't think about this point of teaching, I was able to have, as often as I should, but I do think of it often. Days like today, when it feels like an opportunity to share it with others I am grateful for. It is something that I KNOW has helped me in many points of my life, but most especially in my marriage and Family. When I start feeling like things are just really out of balance and not going well, I often think, am I being too selfish in one way or another? Often the answer to myself is yes! I am not even close to perfect, but I do try to step back and re-evaluate where my mind set is at these times.
This lesson today was for me! To remind me to step back, and remember that we are All, or should be, in this together! Family, friends, ward members, community members, whatever we may be! If we are in it for good, we are in it for each other! Thanks for all of the service which has been rendered to me and or my family! I will try to return the favor, and focus on serving rather than the alternative. (Sorry if it seems preachy, didn't mean it that way. Except for to self)