Monday, June 28, 2010


Well I found out today I did not get a manager position. I have to admit that I am a bit more dis-heartened than I thought I would be about it. I had a feeling last week when I hadn't heard anything, but still even though I tried to plan for it, I am a bit more disappointed.
I think what bothers me most is I feel like I wish I contributed more to the house hold income. Not much that I can do about it though, I guess I will try to take the training again this up coming year so that I can try again next year and maybe have a better shot at it.
It is not all bad. I at least like the school I will be going back to.
I will try to continue to remind myself the Lord has a plan, I just need to do my part to try to make sure I am where he wants me to be so I don't miss out on any opportunities He might have in mind for me.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Megan did it!

Well, the school year is finally over and I am not exaggerating when I say I am truly breathing a sigh of relief, while at the same time doing the happy dance, for both my beautiful and amazing daughter and myself.
It was touch and go right up to the day before, but she worked extra hard and pulled it off! She walked with the rest of her class on Friday June 4th and received her diploma.
We still have the announcements that we will be sending out, as soon as we get her senior pictures taken.
I just need to put down in writing some where how proud I am that she stuck to it till the very end!
Just in case some don't know how close it really was.... Megan called me Thursday afternoon while I was working to let me know that she would indeed be able to cross the stage the next day to collect her diploma. SHe told me that part of the reason she worked so hard was so that she could call me and tell me "I told you I would do it!"
Thanks and kudos also to all her teachers and counselors at Canyon Heights High that helped and pushed her harder than I think she has ever been pushed! They too knew she could do it! Megan you are still my Hero! I love you Girly!