I took some more manager training at the end of January and have been playing the part of the gypsy manager almost every week since I got done with the training. I went to one school for three weeks, up to another school for one week and then back to my own school for a week and then back to the other school for a day. This week I will be at yet another different elementary school. Although this week it is a short week so it will only be for 4 days.
I am hoping that with all this extra practice, it will make it easier next time I apply to actually get a managers position. There are a lot of people who want the jobs and not as many jobs as people. I have heard though, from some people that I have been doing a good job and the prospect is looking favorable :) So I will keep doing what I have been doing and keep working my best and hope it gets me where I am trying to get to.
Megan has finally found another job. She got hired on at Walmart. She is going to try to keep both Subway and Walmart, at least for the time being and get some things paid off. It will be good for her to both be working and busy, and to have some money! It sucks to be working just to pay the bills and never have any for anything else! Trust me I know this one all too well, hence the reason I have been trying to get a managers job :)
She is also dating. She went out a few times with a guy she met at a farewell, but he truly wasn't her type. She gave it a fair shake and then decided it wasn't going to go any further and stopped dating him. Then she met the guy she is seeing now. His name is Justin, and he is a very nice guy. He is very nice to Megan! That means a lot to me. Not only is he nice, he is not afraid to come in and have conversations with Chet and I. Another big score for him. I dates a guy once that was so afraid of my Dad that he wouldn't stay in the same room with him unless I was there. I decided then and there if you were too afraid of my parents to even talk to them, you weren't the guy for me. I didn't date him much longer, and then I met Chet :) and here we are. Anyway, that has always stuck in my mind, and I think a lot more of the guys that can come in and communicate with the parents rather than just sit and never say a word. Who's to say? This may go no where, but then again, it may go some place new.... Either way, I am excited for Megan as she is entering this new phase of her life.
Ford is still working at Arctic Circle and going to school. He just last week handed in his outline for his schedule for next year for his Senior year.... It seems like it has taken forever to get here, but at the same time, it has gone by so fast I am left with the feeling that my head has just spun around a few times and I am slightly dizzy. Ford says he is planning on serving a mission but right now our biggest goal is just to get him through school and get him graduated! He has some really good friends and has been able to stay out of trouble for the most part, for which I am truly grateful!
Life is good and with every new day it is presenting Us and especially Me new adventures!