This last 2 weeks has been ubber hard on me as a Mother. I have had to relinquish my hold on my oldest. My daughter, my oldest, Megan, is now 19 and well on her way to flying the coop! She and a friend decided that they were going on their first real road trip. The only real problem I had with said road trip (aside from everything) is the fact that I would be gone when they left. Not being able to say good bye in person and give hugs of self reassurance and love. You know...the typical Mom first trip away from home stuff.
Couple that with the fact that I also had to register my youngest, (that's right, my BABY) for his last year of high school, all in the SAME week, was almost too much for this Mom!
I knew that having my kids get to the point that they didn't need me would be some what of a challenge, but I had NO idea how much it would really sting!
I am the type of Mom that has typically celebrated every new mile stone that our kids have some to and "over come" so to speak. I didn't cry why my oldest went into Kindergarten, and I didn't cry when I registered either of them for Junior high school OR high school! However, the year I registered my oldest for her senior and my youngest for his sophomore years of high school that is struck me that this was for real and they would only be home for a short time more!
It has only been more reinforced this last week and a half. Not to mention all of my friends that seem to be in the ever so present same boat!
You know the statement "Time flies when you are having fun!" ? Well, there has never been a truer statement than that in my house! I have been blessed to have a great assortment of "fun" over the years! Never a dull moment as they say.
Then to top it all off, this last week, a friend of Chet's has reminded me,that no matter how bad things might get, bad is SO much better than NOT at all!!! Her son has just recently overdosed after a very long/tormented life. She is now trying to pick up the pieces of a shattered life lost much too early.
I have spent way too much time thinking about all the things that my kids do that make me crazy, and that they have been taught differently. Instead of seeing all the things that they do that are truly amazing! Such as living in this modern world without sex, drugs ect...
No, my kids are not perfect! Far from it in fact, but as I told Chet yesterday, I will take the clothes laying on the floor and the dirty room as a reminder that they are there as opposed to the empty silence of knowing they will never laugh or make me/you laugh again!!! Also, so grateful for knowing that life continues beyond the here and the now! Thankful for a merciful Heavenly Father how knew how weak we could and would be!