Just looking back at the last time I made a post. It has been a while! much longer than I intended for it to be, but that just goes to show, that time just keeps flying by, even if you aren't ready for it!
Anyway, today the simple thought crossed my mind, why can we look at ourselves one day and see one thing and the very next day, or even just a few hours later we see something or someone totally different!
How come I can look in the mirror in the morning and think, hey...I don't look too bad. Then only a few hours later, catch a glimpse of myself and think..."holy crap! What happened to you between the time you left the house and now?!"
How can we be so familiar with ourselves, and yet not know who we are at all?
If asked, could we sit down and write a description of ourselves in detail? Or would we simplify it wherever we could because maybe, just maybe we don't honestly KNOW ourselves? Or, are we trying to hide from ourselves? Trying to make believe that we might not be what we really are?
Which is it? It could at any given time possibly be just a little bit of both? Maybe, just possibly.
The goal then I think, might just be to get to know our own selves. To the point that we can not hide from ourselves, or lie to ourselves. That way, we must either accept that we have flaws, and work towards repairing what can be repaired or fix and completely overhaul the things that are totally unacceptable. Perhaps that thought is why we are not sure who we are. And that is why we just try, try and try again!