Monday, April 25, 2011

Missing Spring...

I think until this year I have taken Spring time for granted. I do not ever remember the cold and wet hanging around as long and as persistently as it has this year.
I think it is taking every ounce of energy I have to fight off the blahs! I am tired way more than I should be. I am still exercising, but I have to fight with myself to even get that done!
I know that I am not the only one either! Just take a peak at some of the faces as they walk past you n the store! The worn down, "don't even think about talking to me or I will bite your head off" look that so many are wearing as the semi permanent facial expression these days tells a story all it's own!
I have mumbled and grumbled, a little more about it than I should, but now it is getting to be a real problem! How on earth do you fight the bad weather blahs? I need to know, or either me or one of my close family members might not survive this missing of the spring!
I haven't even been able to get the garden tilled and ready to plant. Not that that is a bad thing, I suppose, because if I had and had planted anything, it would have died due to the amount of water we have had. I know a few people who are in that situation right now. Not happy about it either.
I did go out on my mountain yesterday and take some pictures of the flowers that are finally starting to bloom. It looks so pretty out there right now! Now if only it would warm up enough so that I could be out there to get to enjoy it up close!
Ok I have mumbled and grumbled enough! It does seem to help a bit to gripe about it. Now I guess all I can do is wait! (oh, and post a couple of pics to maybe brighten things up a bit.)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


You know, I had a thought cross my mind very recently. I have often been asked, or thought..(thanks Dad) What would you remember most or miss most if I died....
Today, as morbid as it seems or sounds, I had a strange thought cross my mind. I don't want to know what people will think of when I am gone, when they hear my name. I want to know what they think of NOW what they think of when they hear my name.
Honestly, When someone dies, it is a sad time and things can trigger memories, but if you think you might see that someone in the near future, you might not feel the same, and to my way of thinking, We should almost feel more stirred to act and let someone know now, TODAY that they crossed your mind!
Not one of us knows when our time to leave this Earth will come up. There is never a guarantee that any of us will ever see a tomorrow.
I for one, would like more than anything, to know that I crossed someones mind today. I have from time to time in my life had someone say..."Hey, I thought of you the other day....", but it is so rare and almost unheard of, that I wonder if anyone does anymore....
I am not pointing fingers at ANYONE... I know that life is busy for everyone. Still wouldn't it be nice to know in this life, before we pass on to another, that someone thought of us from time to time and cared that we were here, in the here and now!!!.
I think I am going to make this my own personal challenge to self. When someone crosses my mind in a day, to make a conscience effort to in the very least send a text or facebook message, if not make a phone call or leave a personal note.
I already try, to a degree to let people know they mean something to me. Ever to a stranger that I think has pretty eyes or a pretty face. I have always tried to pay a simple compliment, because it happens so rarely that when it does happen it might just be the something that makes that persons day. Even if they don't know that it was you that did it.
For example, one day I went to the Layton mall with Megan. I left the windows of the car down a crack to keep the car from being a sauna when we came out, never giving it a second thought.
When we came back out to the car, someone had slipped a homemade note penned in Crayon telling me I was special and they hoped I had a great day. To this day I have no idea who put the note in my car. I do know that it had a profound affect on my mood for the remainder of that day!. I kept the card and it hangs on a china hutch in my kitchen, and when I slow down enough to really focus on the note, it again make a smile cross my face. Such a simple act of kindness, and perhaps from a total stranger. That is my goal to self. Make sure to those around me that I see them today. In the here and now. Not waiting till all I can do is miss them and reflect on memories.
Thanks for letting me rant! This is after all my journal of sorts :)