Thursday, February 21, 2013

What MY fitness journey has become...

So I have blogged a bit about my journey into becoming more fit and healthy before, but this journey for me, has become something more.  Something I never would have believed if someone told me this is what it would become. 
This journey that I began, has somehow morphed into a journey that others have decided to join in with me. Chet and I were talking about this just today. How I am completely amazed, and taken back, by both all the support I have been given since beginning this journey and all of the questions that have come to me, by way of people watching where I was and how far I have come.
I never thought anyone, except perhaps my kids, would be watching me and what I did/do on a fairly regular basis. I don't know if anyone ever thinks they are being watched (for good or bad), but I am here to tell you, that even when you think no one is watching you, some sees. Someone is being influenced one way or another by the way you are living/or not your life!
   The first person I know of that actually said they were impressed with how far I had come and decided to work with me, was a gal from work last year. Now, I have been transferred and no longer work with her. I miss the opportunity I had to get to know her better and to workout with her. It was really fun, and now it is just hard to find a time that works with both of us to be able to get together at the same time. Maybe if we keep working at it, it will happen. 
A quote I saw, not long after I had finally reached the mile stone of losing 40 pounds, said "At first they will ask you WHY you do it, then they will ask HOW you did it." I kind of laughed when I saw it, because I had indeed been asked on a regular basis, WHY I was doing it. Why, now that I had finally reached one of my goals was I still working so hard. I would get that all the time. I even got told by some, that I had become obsessive. To which I just laugh at, and think to myself, if they saw me now what would they think... ;)
Anyway, the last part of the quote has also come to be true for me. That is the part of this journey I never expected to become part of my journey.
I have been asked by more people, both friends and mere acquaintances how I got it shape? How do I stay motivated? What do I eat? How often do I workout? What kinds of workouts do I do... and the list goes on! I have an acquaintance, who has a Facebook page dedicated to fitness, who messaged me and asked if I would share my story with the followers on her page, which I did. (made me slightly uncomfortable). Just recently Ford decided he had watched his Mom get into shape for long enough, and he decided it was time for him to begin, which he has done, and I have tried to help and keep him motivated. One way I have done that, is to workout with him usually three nights a week. It has been a good thing for us to be able to work together on a common goal. Now, Megan has decided that it is something that she wants as well, and she has been coming down on the days that she can, and working with Ford and I. One day, she came on a day Ford couldn't and she even brought a friend with her. Just now she sent me a message telling me she was about to bust out a workout all by herself for the first time! It is exciting to see that I have made an impact on them. :)
Yesterday, after  the workout Ford and I did, he told me I had great abs! :) Made my night! Especially since, we are our own worst critics and, I still just see all of the work I still have to do. 
Today, I got a personal message from a guy, that went to school with Megan, telling me that he was trying to take better care of himself and eat more healthy, but was having a hard time finding recipes, and did I have any suggestions...... I am taken so aback by the fact that anyone would feel like I would be the person to ask...So flattered that anyone would think enough of the strides I have made. I still feel awkward thinking that anyone is looking to me for answers, but I have learned a lot over the last three years, and if someone feels it would be worth their time to ask me a question, I will do my best to answer it to the best of my knowledge and if I don't know, well then, maybe I should find out! ;) Since beginning this journey in November 2009, I have run 3 5K races (with more to come this year), each time bettering my personal time, I have continued to learn more about strength training and how good it is, especially for women, I have learned more, but not enough about nutrition, and I am down a total of 50 pounds since the beginning. Huge strides have been made! What an adventure this journey has become. It should be interesting to see where it might lead me to next! 


kathy said...

3691Thanks Sis, I enjoy reading your comments,and I am very proud of you.. Dad

Tinabean said...

I really need some of your motivation to get started I am sooooo over weight I never have any energy it just sucks!!!