I love birthdays! I have always loved birthdays. When I was little, it meant that all of the extended family would come to our house, and we would gorge ourselves on much cake and ice cream. Then as kids do, run around on our sugar high, while the adults visited till it either got late enough for everyone to leave, or we just wore ourselves out. Fond memories, that I really do miss (sometimes).
Now that I am older, I still love birthdays, but for an entirely different reason. Don't get me wrong, I still love cake and Ice Cream! Love them both. However, with my semi heath conscious, older state of being, I TRY not to eat as much. That said, I have had dessert three times with in the last two days. Not doing so good on the healthy side of things right now. (DEEP SIGH) Oh well.
The reason I love birthdays now, isn't from the aspect of celebrating my own so much, as it is celebrating the people who surround me in my life. The fact that there are so many people who have such a profound impact in my life, on a daily or sometimes infrequent basis. They are the birthdays that I celebrate now. I celebrate their birthdays, because without that special day, whatever day it is, I wouldn't have that person in my life to give me guidance, support or love, for which I have come to almost depend on.
The reason this is something I wanted to blog about, is because for the first time I felt like this year in lot of ways, my birthday was celebrated like that. It was an incredible feeling for me to think that so many of my friends were celebrating MY birthday the way I have come to celebrate theirs.
Not only that, I just had a great birthday. I like that I am getting older, (my body would disagree). I hope that with that age, I might be able to acquire some wisdom as well. I have always told my family, I will never get "OLD". I don't intend to get "old". I intend to age, and hopefully, I will do it with some semblance of grace.
Thank you to all the Happy Birthday wishes from so many of you, you have made this year an extra special one for me. Also you have again reminded me of why I believe so fully in, celebrating my birthday, as well as the ones who have, in some way, big or small, touched my life. After all, life should be a celebration! One that we all share together. So next time someone tells you, "Happy Birthday", even if you're not happy about having a birthday. Remember that for them perhaps your birthday may mean more to them than you will ever know!
Oh, and for Emily, the cake picture is for you. Chet remembered what you said about you're birthday next year. So he thought he would apply it to me this year. He didn't think how long the word 'experience' was before he started, but oh well it made me laugh! See, even when you don't know, you inspire. :)