Monday, January 12, 2009

Having a hang up

Today I am having a little bit of a hang up. I have been trying to stay positive and look on the bright side and yada, yada and so forth and so on. Right now however I am having a not so up beat day. Even after having a venting secession I am still hung up!
In the eternal scheme of things it is a really trivial thing and I just need to let it go and look on a bright side, but I guess that's where I am coming into my hang up. Even on the bright side right now, it is seeming a little gloomy. (DEEP SIGH)
Oh well, this too shall pass right.
Chet told me I just need to get over it, things will be fine and again could be much worse than it is. For that he is correct, but still just telling me to get over it, just seems to minimize the distress this is really giving me.
Ok now I have sort of vented (again) I guess I need to be a bigger person and pick myself up by the boot straps and move on. (another DEEP SIGH)


Mary Ann said...

I'm having a kind of depressing day over here myself. Hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow.

Kati said...

You do have every right to be upset about what's bothering you. And Chet is right, eventually it will be better, but it's the living with it right now that's hard. (Sounds like I know something about it, doesn't it? :) ) Hang in there - I love ya!

Emily said...

Hey cutie. Sorry I have been slacking on my blogging comment duties. I am sorry you are down. I hope you are doing better now. IF you ever need anyone to just listen to you, call me. I am always here for you.

Love you!