Thursday, February 26, 2009

On The Mend

After about a week of being sick with Heaven knows what, I think I am finally on the mend.
Being sick has of course done what I am sure it has meant to do, and that is make me ever so aware of and grateful for good health! I haven't been sick too much this school year, so I suppose I had begun to take for granite that I would continue to have good health. Even when the rest of the family all got sick still I was up and running on full. That's when it snuck up on me. Making me reflect back and take stock in the fact that for the most part I really have goo health and for that I must be sure to give thanks. Without the bad stuff we would never truly appreciated the good stuff. Here's to the good stuff.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines

For all you sappy couples out there, Happy Valentines day. I, on the other hand, am not really one of those; one day a year sappy type people. NO... not me! Nope, I like to be sappy all year long! So when V day comes around Chet and I usually don't ever plan much. I think there was one year we actually had a plan with friend of mine and her hubby. Then when she found out that Chet had bought a gun for me that day, it kinda threw her off. (she has no use for guns, poor thing) It was still fun though.
Anyway, We just don't plan things for Valentines Day, this year was no exception. At the last minute, I told Chet we should take the kids and go to breakfast at Doug & Emmy's. Yum! I love their scones!
Megan had traded out her schedule for today where as she had a date, and Ford isn't dating or working yet, so he had no plans, so we went to breakfast.
After breakfast we just went home and had a mostly typical Saturday, only not as much running around as usual?! Chet and I went out to pick up a few things, and then came home to get some dinner. We had decide, without the knowledge of the kids that we would eat at home, (save a couple bucks) and just go out for Ice Cream later.
Cold Stone has some very wonderful things that will be assured to add a couple inches to the waist line, but that is where we went. I don't know about all of their stores, but the store in Layton, has only about 4 tables for patrons to sit at after they get their Ice Cream. (Dumb I think, but what do I know they seem to be busy ALL the time.) Anyway, we managed to get a seat just as a rush of people came through the door. (Whew! That was good timing for us :) ) I have said that we love to watch people, and Cold Stone is no different, there was an interesting array of people there tonight. This one couple in particular came in all dressed up, like they had been to a dance. The girls dress caught every ones attention, strapless and short. It is cold out side and all I could think was that she was crazy! To make a sort of long story short, we invited them to share our table with us, because there was nowhere else for them to sit. It is never easy to sit with someone you don't know, but I am so glad we invited them to sit with us. We had a really good time visiting with them. When we first told them they could sit by us, the poor guy looked like he would rather do anything BUT sit with us, but since there where no other options, his date took us up on the offer. They turned out to be coming from Clearfield Highs "Valentines Dance". She was graduated and goes to school up at Weber State, but He is a senior this year. We were talking and I told her she had beautiful eyes, and her date got all excited and said "see!" turned to me and said "I tell her that all the time! I love her eyes!" He was so cute about the whole thing, and she said, "ok... So I know it's kinds cheesy, but look what I got today!" and she put her left hand up on the table, so we could admire her new promise ring. She said she was just so excited and wanted to share it with someone, but she had already told her Mom, so she told us. They were really cute together, we visited with them a little while longer, then wished them the best. As we turned to leave, I heard her say to him, "Now aren't you glad we sat here! " With a huge smile on her face. I couldn't tell you their names, I forgot to ask.
I hope, that they can, in their time together, have as much love, respect and Fun as Chet and I have, and I also hope they are strong enough to weather any storms that will come their way. I remember young love, and I have to say I am glad for mature love!
Happy Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I am surrounded by idiots! ( said with a Sebastian-esk accent. See little mermaid.)
Ok so I know that my goal for this year was to be more positive; however, there are times in a persons life when venting will do one of two things. It will either make the said someone feel better, or it will make them even more frustrated than they were to begin with.
Here's hoping this will make me feel better!
Working as a school lunch lady is a great gig! You work the perfect hours, you get the summer off, (without pay, but you get it off none the less) the kids are for the most part really fun and funny and all that stuff. So truly it is the perfect job for me. I have said for years now, if I had to go get a "real job" I would be in a lot of trouble.
Being a lunch lady does have it's pitfalls though. Such as, it is really hard to get fired from the district. It is relatively EASY to get hired on at the district. Their hiring process doesn't weed out the people that are a) unable to do the job effectively b) those who are LAZY and willing to sit back and let others pick up their slack c) somehow everyone knows that if you do things just right you can get away with almost anything!
Most days I have a pretty good out look about the whole thing. Some days though, the lack of work ethic some people have and the fact that they are allowed to have it just gets to me.
The problem the district has, is they don't want to get sued. And since we live in a sue happy world, that is a realistic fear. You might have good cause to fire someone, but they will try to sue the socks off you just because they can, and even if you win, you have spent time effort and money on something that got you nowhere. So, I see their point to a degree.
What I don't understand, especially in times like these, when there are people out there begging for work, why they can't do just a bit of house cleaning.
Take for example, one person I work with is so lazy, she leans on what ever she can lean on while she is working, and works with one hand while she leans on the other one. It takes her twice as long to do one job as it does almost anyone else. She is ALWAYS having some kind of crisis at home, that ALWAYS affects her at work. I have been told, that she is not capable of doing any better than she does. I guess I am a heartless person, because if that's all she has to give, then she should be down the road. No matter what her circumstances are! If she can't do the job, hire someone that can and will!
Another person I work with is of the opinion that what ever way she wants to do something, is the way it should be done. Even if the Boss has told us to do it another way. She will look right at you and shake her head and say OOOOHHH OKKKAY! Then turn right around and do it the way she wanted to in the first place! Not to mention, she has one speed, and it is not fast. She isn't the slowest person I work with, (see above) but she is not fast by any means.
This is what brought me here to vent today! I have no problem working hard. In fact I prefer it! I don't like though that if I don't pick up the slack that some of the ladies leave in their wake, that in some way it will affect me. If I pick up their slack, then I do more work than is necessary, or fair. If I don't do their work and sit around waiting for them to do it themselves, I would be late getting out of work everyday! And the district DOES NOT pay overtime! So however long we are there after the time we are suppose to be gone, is donated time. I don't know about you, but if I am donating time, it should be something I want to donate it to or something fun.
I am really having issues with this today. I would like to think that if I went to my boss, (whom I get along with for the most part) that things would change or at the very least improve. Alas, this is not the case. In fact I think it could be some of the cause. I can't say that at work though, because that would only make a whole new set of problems. Ugh! What to do?!
The positive of this whole thing, is that, I really like my job, most days. It will get better, even if it's just because I deal with it better.
Who knows, maybe I am suppose to be learning something from this. Maybe, it's that laziness is the ticket. Too bad that just doesn't work for me! Then again, I'm glad it doesn't!
Till next time.