Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So, last Friday was my 22nd anniversary. Who knew that many years ago that we would even make it to where we are today?
I know there were a lot of people that were surprised that we lasted more than a year. We really were young, looking back at it all now. Thinking that if Megan were me she would already be married right now. Wow! That is a startling thought! I feel like I was more ready to begin my own life than she is, but maybe that is just all in ones own perspective.
Thanks to Chet for loving me for this long and for making sure I talk to him. I have learned, that above everything else we do, talking about things is what has helped us make it through some of the toughest challenges any marriage can face.
I am very excited when I look to the future and spending more time with the two of us! Thanks for being my best friend! Here's to Forever more!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I have to say first and foremost, that I have been to a relative few amounts of weddings compared to the people that I know have been married. Also, the actual weddings I have been to for the most part have all been L.D.S weddings.
This weekend, I had the opportunity to go to a wedding of my very close friends daughter. Although she is L.D.S. she chose a different life path. On this path the man she met and chose is not L.D.S. and for their wedding it was one of the farthest things from any wedding I have been to. (not bad by any means)
At the beginning of the wedding they had what the guy performing the wedding called a Buddhist Blessing (I think that is what he called it). For knowing that at the end of this life, this union will be over, still the ceremony was one of the most memorable I have ever been to.
One of the first things he did was have the bride take the grooms hands palms up into her hands and examine them. He reminded her that these would be the hands that would hold her and give her love and comfort. That would lift her when she was down, and help keep her grounded. That will wipe away the tears when she cries, and stoke her cheek to remind her how much love he has for her. There were a few other things that he listed, but I lost track of them. Then he had the groom do the same thing with the bride.
It had to be one of the most emotional ceremonies for me. It felt very personal for me. Firstly probably because I have always loved Chet's hands! His hands are strong and can fix most things. They are an extension of him. I love his hands! So for the Preacher guy, (I'm not sure he was a preacher) to point this out to the two of them, it became very personal to me. It touched my soul and reminded me how grateful I am for Chet and his hands. For being there lo lift me up and keep me grounded all at the same time.
While talking to my Mom about the ceremony, when I mentioned that I felt like it was a very personal ceremony for me, she told me that she thinks that that is what we are suppose to do at someone else's wedding. Make it personal. To her she feels this way because, at your own wedding, there is SO much going on, that most of the time you miss the things that should stand out the most, so by making someone else's wedding personal to you, you can and might learn something, or be reminded of something you might have forgotten, that could help you in your marriage currently. It made a great deal of sense to me! In this case I think I truly just might have taken more away from the ceremony than the couple did.
I also think that I might just pay more attention to the next one just a bit more than I have before!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Fair is in town!

Well, it is fair time in Utah once again! I have to say this is one of the things I look forward to most. It signals that fall is officially here and I just love the feeling in the air.
Not to mention that ever since Chet and I have been together, we have been going to the fair. Some of my best memories of the kids being little is taking them to the fair. They look forward to it as much as we do, I think.
This year I took a day off work and Chet and I are going down for the entire day :) Yeah for us! I told Megan that I would pay for her and Ford to come down later if she wanted to drive them down, but I think they both work, so we will have to work something else out for them. Not that that is a hard thing for us. We usually go down more than once, as there are SO many different people to look at and things to see.
Fall is my favorite time of year without a doubt and this year it feels no different. I love the feel in the air and to see all of the things being harvested, both from my garden and all around me! I love it! Makes me remember how many thing I have to be grateful for!
Till next time! :)