Just for context purposes, I applied for and did not get a new and different job with the school district. This is the 4th time I have applied, and the 4th time I have not gotten the job. I keep telling myself that there are a lot of people applying for the same thing, and not to take it personal, but this long in and this many times later, it gets harder and harder to remember that.
So as a personal reminder to me (hence personal), I am so grateful for Chet, and the fact that he loves me even on the days when I have melt downs (which is more often that I would like) and that he will let me vent and then be the voice of reason, bringing me back to reality.
I am grateful for the job I currently have. I love working with the kids. I work with some good people, and I love that I get the summers off (even though I do not get paid for it).
As this is also the end of the month and the last of thankful November I am thankful for being thankful. I really do have a lot to be grateful for. So much more than I posted this month. I will try to continue, but I make no promises!