Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30

So today, I am being thankful for a couple of things that I have already been thankful for. Mostly just for myself trying to remind me that things always happen for a reason and I really do have it pretty good.
Just for context purposes, I applied for and did not get a new and different job with the school district. This is the 4th time I have applied, and the 4th time I have not gotten the job. I keep telling myself that there are a lot of people applying for the same thing, and not to take it personal, but this long in and this many times later, it gets harder and harder to remember that.
So as a personal reminder to me (hence personal), I am so grateful for Chet, and the fact that he loves me even on the days when I have melt downs (which is more often that I would like) and that he will let me vent and then be the voice of reason, bringing me back to reality.
I am grateful for the job I currently have. I love working with the kids. I work with some good people, and I love that I get the summers off (even though I do not get paid for it).
As this is also the end of the month and the last of thankful November I am thankful for being thankful. I really do have a lot to be grateful for. So much more than I posted this month. I will try to continue, but I make no promises!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 27

I know, I know....I missed a couple of days! Since it was more than just one I decided to skip those (too much pressure to remember everything that happened) and just highlight a couple of things from the last three days. Starting with Thanksgiving day.
Thanksgiving day, I was grateful for not having to cook and or host Thanksgiving dinner! We went to Chets Mom and Dads for dinner. 4 of the seven boys were there and although I expected things to be a bit tense, it actually ended up being quite fun!
Then Friday, I have to say I was grateful for having a mostly lazy day. We slept in till late and didn't do a whole lot of much for most of the day. It was very nice!
Saturday I was so grateful for being able to finally achieve one of the goals that I had set out for myself at the beginning of this year. To run a 5K! Thanks to my very good friend JoAnn, who talked me into signing up and doing it with her, I signed up for and ran the Santa Run in Ogden. We ended up having another one of our friends, Brad come and run it with us as well. In fact, Brad and I crossed the finish line together hand in hand! It was an incredible feeling of accomplishment! AND it was a blast! I think we will all be doing it again!
Today, I am grateful for beautiful weather on a day that might have been otherwise! Today was simply put, one of the most beautiful days! Great picture taking weather! :) There you have it! Three more days of grateful to write about...Think I'll make it??
Yaaa....I got this! :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 23

This day, or this night to be very exact, I am grateful that I will not be having to cook Thanksgiving dinner!
I had planned on it. Kind of even looked forward to it in a small way, but things changed and now we will be going to Chets moms for dinner.
Am I excited about this venture? No. Do I wish I could take a pain pill before I go? YES! That would not be the best of ideas though, as I already have a hard time keeping my opinion to myself, without the aid of a pill that might relax my brain enough for something I should keep to myself to slip out without meaning for it to.
I am however, grateful that I will not have to cook! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22

So this day, I am grateful for the fact that we are a family the for the most part lives life by the seat of our pants! Truly it could be said that we are not very good planners at all, but that is mainly because of Chets work and the unpredictability of it all. Chet really hates to make plans because he hates being the one to mess them up by not being on time or not being able to go at all.
Today though, there were no plans broken or postponed. No appointments missed. Nothing gone awry.
No today was a fly by the seat kind of day that I look forward to! Getting the call, "can you be ready and packed by the time I can get from point A to point B?
Oh the excitement for me. :) I know it is not nearly as much fun for Chet, due to the fact that it is work related, but for me, it sends a thrill through my mind.
So here I am sitting in Chet's van on my way to Jackson Hole, Wy. I know it's late, but I don't care! I am off on another adventure with Chet! My very most favorite place in the world to be!

November 21

This day I am grateful for my job, and that I the end of the day, I can shut the door to it on my way out and, for the most part, not think of it again until morning! I really do have it good! I work with kids (most of the time this is good) and good ladies (some of them are even GREAT). I get the summers off (even if I don't get paid for it, it is TOTALLY worth it!) and I am off work by 2:30 everyday. Oh, and I get most of the same holiday's as the banks do :) and some they don't! Ha!I have the best job!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

November 20th

Today I am grateful that my kids still like to talk to me! Even though I am not at all sure what to tell them and even get impatient while listening to them ramble on about things that I am not particularly interested in.
I am glad that they know that if they have a problem they can call me and just vent if that is all they need.
I hope that they will always want to talk with me! :)

November 19th

Grateful for modern medicine and the miracles that can be preformed today! Oh, and the pain meds that go with it to ease our discomfort! :)
Just so you all know, I had some grafting done in my mouth Friday and I am glad they could fix things but I think I am more glad for the pain meds to help me relax a bit!

November 18th

Grateful for weekends! :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17

Today I am glad I can move my body! Even on days like today when moving it hurts and reminds me that time stands still for no one. I am reminded that even though I may hurt, I can still move and feel!

November 16

Ooops...missed this one! :/ Oh well...carry on.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 15

Today is such a simple thing to be thankful for, yet at the very same time, something I/we as Americans take so very for granted!
Today, I am grateful for eating out! Or if you will a dinner prepared by someone other than myself!
take for instance, The take out order for the local Chinese food place, for example. Yummy yet fairly inexpensive and they even deliver!!!
Today, however; I must be a tad more specific than this! Today, I am truly grateful for Beto's/Rancherito's! They keep me and Chet from starving more than twice a week! I the very least! I love being from Utah!!!

November 14

This day I am thankful for randomly bumping into people. People that you see once in a while, people that you see almost everyday in places you don't always see them, and people that you never see, and then suddenly out of nowhere, there they are. Now, in the middle of the isle at Wal-mart you stand for an hour having a conversation and catching up but feeling like it hasn't been that long ago that you knew each other well! The feeling of connection and fondness that you have after leaving said random encounter is irriplaceable!
That is what I am grateful for this day!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13

Today I am grateful for music and the blessing of being able to hear it.
We went to the Symphony tonight at Weber State University. They performed Beethoven's 9th Symphony. His last symphony, which I found out he wrote and conducted after he had gone completely deaf! An amazing feat to say the least! Such beautiful music! I was so glad that I could hear it. I love music! It plays a huge part in my daily life. I can not imagine not being able to hear it! Thank you Christina Hight Olsen for inviting us to listen to you play! :)

November 12

I know I am posting this a day late but I just can't NOT post about it.
This is the first time ever, I planned a surprise birthday party. It just happened to be for Chet!
So today, and everyday, I am thankful for friends who will take time out of their busy lives to make sure that someone they care about knows that they mean something to them, more than just a passing hello!
We ended up have 20 people that showed up and stayed for dinner and cake with us and a few stragglers that came to say Happy Birthday and left because they weren't able to stay. A great turn out for a great guy! Not to mention lots of fun!
So grateful for good friends!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11

Today, about an hour before I got off work, I got a phone call. It was Chet asking me what I had planned for the afternoon after work. I told him I had nothing planned, and what did he have in mind? He said that since I didn't have anything, he was going to come home and get me and I could go with him for the afternoon, while he finished up his work.

Today, I am happy that after all this time and all the time we spend together in that van together, he hasn't gotten tired of me and still wants to come pick me up when I get off work, just to have me ride with him. THAT makes me happy! :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10

Tonight I am grateful for a safe journey for my Chet, and the safe return that the journey has brought yet again this go round!
I have been blessed to have had the opportunity, throughout the past several years, to get to ride whit him on some of his travels, thus lending credence to the fact that sometimes the journey might not always be a peaceful one.
We have been truly blessed in the fact that, aside from a deer, a cow and an unfortunate freeway rear end event, there really hasn't been any real problems since Chet hit the road 7 years ago!
The Lord has been watching out for Chet, and me! :)
Glad you are home safe tonight Babe!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8

Going to keep it super simple tonight, because tonight life was simple!
Tonight I am grateful for a delicious home cooked meal! Nothing fancy or expensive, just something simple made from scratch, that filled the belly yet pleased both sense of smell and taste! Not to mention the sense of accomplishment at the success of a meal well done! Nothing better than homemade stew and rolls. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 8

So I missed a day...(head bowed in slight shame) The good thing is it really isn't the end of the world, but bad thing is it makes me feel like a slacker! Oh well, moving right along now...
Today I am grateful for being able to have mini or sometimes even full blown melt downs from time to time. Whether there is a good reason for them or not, sometimes I think it is just a good cleansing for the soul, and sometimes for the mind. I seem to have melt downs probably more often than is normal, and to this can I just say, it makes me more grateful than ever to know that Chet stays with me and not only deals with said melt downs, but helps make sure I get through the melt downs in one piece.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6 Feeling....

I had something all typed out...then some other thought came flying into my mind fro WHO knows where and totally derailed said thought! So the thought that gets pasted on today is that I am grateful for individual thoughts and the places that they take us to.
My we all be the best we can be in the here and now and even better tomorrow is the prayer I have for me and anyone else I come into contact with!
May feelings carry us far beyond where we might be currently!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5

Today, I am completely grateful for days that just are! By that, I mean, days that nothing stressful is expected and nothing too taxing has to be done. The day can just flow as it likes. Things coming into being or not...time passing with a certain amount of peacfulness because there was nothing that was really expected out of the day in the first place. Just a pleasant comfortable flow! That is what I had today with my Chet! I am truly grateful for the rare days like these in which I get to participate! :)

November 4

I am grateful that I have a job. One that for the most part I really enjoy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3

Today, I am grateful for food! Perhaps more specifically, food that comes from my garden! Ok, ok, really all food, but this particular thought popped into my head tonight while we were eating dinner. Dinner made complete with spaghetti squash from my garden and salsa canned from produce out of my garden. Not only was it yummy, but very self satisfying to know that I did that! So after I was fed, and sat enjoying my full tummy, is when the thought came to me that I am grateful for food.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2

Today, I am grateful for being, or in the least feeling, calm! It is not something, that I can say, I am very often. In fact, I can say that I wasn't calm, earlier this very evening! Why now do I have the comfortable feeling of calm? I can't say for sure. Maybe it is that my family is all home safe and sound, I have been fed and given dessert, and have nothing pressing that HAS to be done right this very minute. Maybe, but then again, maybe not!
I can honestly say I don't care where it came from, nor do I care! I hope it will stay a long time, but will enjoy it, however long it lasts!
In fact I am so calm right now I think I will go to bed! ;)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well, it got here faster than I remember. I can honestly say I am not READY for it to be November yet!
It will be good though to take a mental and a public note of all of the things I am grateful for.
The last time I tried to write a big long post everyday, it just about killed me, so I was thinking I am going to keep it short and to the point. Then if I feel so inclined to go a little more in-depth then so be it. Today though I am really not in the mood to be in-depth.
So...lets start this off with what I am probably most grateful for 98% of the time. That would be Chet! So grateful we are here together after all this time and through all the junk we've been through! So grateful for Chet!! I love you Babe!!! :) The end!