Monday, September 7, 2009

My Son

I just need to make an entry about Ford. He is such a good guy. The only person I have ever really seen him be mean to is Megan and , well.... what are sisters for? (not that I like it at all)

Anyway, today was fast Sunday, and as usual Ford was the first one to stand up and share his testimony. As I sat there and listened to him and his sweet thoughts and feelings, I was so impressed with the fact that he is almost 16 (less than a month) and he is still getting up every month to share this with our ward.

When I was his age.......well, lets not talk about what I was doing at his age. Instead let's just say my life was headed in a very different direction, and standing up to tell anyone that I thought the church was true, just wasn't going to happen. In fact, at that point in my life I wasn't really sure how I felt about the church.

So for Ford to be getting up and not only sharing his testimony, but having one that is truly his very own, is something that I am so very grateful for! I hope that he will continue to let his testimony grow, and continue to share it with others. If he does, I am sure that he will be a great missionary!

Not only that but I want to make sure that he knows that he is a great example to me! That I am grateful for as well.


Mary Ann said...

I agree. Ford is a great kid and a good example to all of us.

Kati said...

I love this boy! His testimony is always a highlight of my month. You and Chet have done a great job with your kids - I'm watching and taking lessons! :)

Kallie said...

I too love to hear his testimony. I enjoyed being around him at youth conference, he is a great kid. Such an example to the younger boys. I think he will make an awesome missionary in 3 years!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute!

Emily said...

I am sad that I missed this. I really look forward each month to his testimony. He is such a great kid. If more kids got up each month and shared their testimonies, we would have the strongest youth. He is such a great example to all of us.