Thursday, December 11, 2008

Always Watching

You know when people tell you that you should always be mindful of your actions, because no matter where you are, someone is always watching.
This is from one of the Ladies I work with, and it really drove this point home to me.
She, her husband and brothers and sisters, just went on a two week cruise down thru Mexico and Panama. On their cruise their waiters knew that they did not drink alcohol so made sure that they had orange juice for them to drink. She told us, that about 3 or 4 days into the cruise, a waiter who did not wait on them passed by their table, stopped and said to them, "there is something different about your table, it shines." Well, they all kind of laughed a little and joked about it a little, but the waiter insisted that there was something that they had that made their table different from all the other tables on the cruise.
To make a long story short and so as not to screw it up to bad, over the rest of the cruise they got to speak to this waiter about our church a little, and found out they 10 years prior he had been given a Book of Mormon, and was interested in being baptized. However, he had a friend that had told him he wasn't ready and totally discouraged him from joining, so he didn't. He still had the spark that had been lite, and from watching my friend and her family on this cruise, this spark has stated to burn a little more. I guess when you work on a cruise ship you don't get to get off very often, and he won't be able to get off and go home for quite some time (oh, and he is from Columbia). He found my friend before they left the ship, and told her that he has arranged to go to Salt Lake City the next time he has off the ship, and would she please arrange for him to take classes so he can learn about our church. He has money and wants to pay for the classes. He doesn't understand that the classes are free and insists on paying for them, because he wants to shine and glow like my friend and he family.
I thought this was just amazing, that miles from anywhere you would think anyone would see you or know if you where out of line, there is someone waiting for your example. I also wondered how many others had passed on that same ship and not been setting the right example. I know that that is something I often struggle with. I just know that we are always being watched for the good and the bad we may be doing, and I am grateful to have so many good examples surrounding me. Thanks so much!


Emily said...

Good for them! That is awesome. It is so amazing to me that especially in the world we live in today that you can see the Light of Christ in people. In a world that is so dark and dim, His light shines more and more beautiful. Thank you for the reminder that I too need to lead a life that others will want to know Him because of me. Thank you again!

Anonymous said...


Mary Ann said...

What a wonderful story! You never do know who is watching. That is so great that he wants to take lessons! Keep us informed!