Monday, October 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 30 countdown...Day 30

Well, it is time for me to sit back and reflect on things I don't always remember. The things I am grateful for. Not to say I don't remember them ever, but sometimes in the day to day, it is easy to get caught up and forget some of the things I have been blessed with most recently or even distantly for that matter.
Megan, stared doing it on FaceBook today, but I don't think everyone wants to see me post for thirty days. So if I post here, and you are reading it, it is because you came here looking for something to read. on :)
Today, I really am thankful for my job! The flexibility it provides me and all the other perks that go along with it! I love the hours, I loved that when my kids were young I was on the same schedule as they were and home on the days they were. I LOVE having the summers off!!! I love getting to work with the kids. Especially in a way that doesn't leave me wanting to strangle them or their parents. Lunch time is almost always a good time for the kids, and thus a good time for us to get to see them when they are happy. 
Today and tomorrow due to the flexibility of the job, I was and will be able to go with Chet to a couple of Dr apts, and then to help him do some things he is not currently able to do on his own right now due to his arm injury. Although it is only two days, it is better than having no time at all!! So grateful!!

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