Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Has anyone else?

I often wonder if anyone else has every had one of those days that you just want to say blah blah blah to everything that either someone says or to every thought that pops into your own head.
That is the kind of day that I have had today!
I even went and had a pamper me day, which I usually really enjoy, but today, every time the girl that was doing my hair tried to talk to me I gave he the most curt short answer I could! I tried to read a magazine, but as the appointment lasted 4 hours (yes...4) I ran out of magazine before I ran out of chair time.
Now I am home and Megan is upstairs reading a book to Ford while he is making dinner for his foods class at school. All I keep thinking is please be quiet! They aren't doing ANYTHING wrong. But just to sound of the voices is making me crazy right now. I think I am seriously in need of a vacation! Some time away with just me and Chet. (heavy sigh)
Ok now that I have vented, maybe I can go upstairs and check the process of dinner without snapping! I know...I'm weird! Again now you have been reminded why I call this MY blog! :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

I have these kinds of days too. Days when things just are not feeling right. I am sorry you had such a day. Remember I love you.