Thursday, November 13, 2008

AARRGGHH The Dentist!

It seems I have been having a lot to do with the dentist lately, and I must say; that I DON'T like it much at all!
I have always hated going to the dentist. Always! Even when I was younger, with the prospect of being able to get a prize when everything was all said and done, I still wanted to avoid it if there was any way possible.
I haven't even been the best at getting my kids to the dentist. I know I should, and I'm a horrible mom, but I just dread all the smells and sounds of a dentist office. Part of my latest dread, is the dentist office going in RIGHT next to my house. It is so close to my house, that they should have made a door for me to have access. There hasn't been a person that knows where I live and seen the building, that hasn't asked either what the heck was going up so close to our house, or what are "we" adding onto our house. I will be able to hear the dentist work as it is happening. JOY! I am so looking forward to what I have to look forward to.
Not only that I have spent the last month having all kinds of dental work done. So just when I have recovered from one event, I get to go through the whole thing again! The pain finally goes away, just to be reborn, shortly after. I had an exam with my new dentist, he sent my to a "specialist" (code word for even more expensive than your average dentist), to have a root canal done. Then I got to go back and have the prep done for the crown. Then I had to wait a week and go back and have the crown seated. So, now not only am I having pain and discomfort inflicted upon me, I am driving all over town, all month long to have this done!
Then my favorite thing, we just got dental insurance for the first time ever, and I have to tell you, I think the dentists jack up what they would normally charge if a person has insurance, so that in the end they end up paying what they would have paid without the insurance! The difference being now they get a statement from the insurance telling them what wasn't accepted and some people think they are actually getting a deal!
I understand these people go to school for a long time, and I understand they pay a lot for their equipment, and have to work in peoples dirty stinky mouths all day long. But they chose that. I just can't see how an honest person can take someone for SO much money and still think they are being honest. I just can't see it.
I have said it before, I would rather have surgery any day of the week, than go to the dentist! At least with the surgery, I feel like I have gotten my monies worth.
oh, one more thing about the dentist office going in next door. It really could be something far worse going in there. Like a convenience store or something like that. I just really wish it wasn't practically on my house.
I think I have vented enough for now. This whole little blog thing may be really good for my pent up frustrations.

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

I have been thinking the same thing! I thought it was going in closer to the corner. I don't understand why it had to be so close to your house. I think there should be zoning laws against that, oh wait, it's WP, what was I thinking. I have a cousin who is a dentist. He said he'd give me a discount if I went to him. I haven't seen a discount yet. I have seen his mom and dad come into the garden center and demand a discount though.