Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's sunday.

Sunday can be one of the most relaxing days. Then again it can be a day of stress after much reflecting on the fact that tomorrow, we again must return to work!
I'm just kidding. Sort of.This is the first year since getting located at the school I am working at that I have really wished I was somewhere else. I am not sure if it has to do with the fact that they are doing construction on our kitchen, or if it is something else that has changed. I am hoping that it is just the construction, that is the problem and that as soon as it is done and over everything will go back to normal. Until then I must honestly say that I am NOT looking forward to going to work. It is really sad that we are all counting down to our next day off. ( I am shaking my head in sadness)

Today was my sister Mindy's' "Home Coming" for the Dream Maker academy. It was a very interesting program. Lots of sharing. i have decided that I don't need a program like that really, as I pretty much "share" whatever is on my mind anyway. I share even sometimes when I really should keep it to myself. I guess the good thing is that you never really have to guess what I am thinking or what I am feeling at any given moment. Even if I am not saying anything, sometimes that isn't even necessary. I am a pretty easy book to read. Again, not sure that is a good thing.
The one thing I did like about the "home coming" was that they did acknowledgements. You know, taking the time to tell someone else something that you appreciated about them or something they had done. Most people have a problem sharing things like that with other people. So it was kinda of nice to be some place where it was more or less expected. My sister took me aside and "acknowledged" me for being part of her life. I don't feel like I have been much of a part, but if I have been any part for good I am glad.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts for this Sunday.

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