Monday, November 17, 2008

Sadies & Trying to be positive

So a quick update on Megan's date to Sadie's. She had a good time and everything went well. The date didn't start as early as she would have like for it to start, because her date, Steven, had to work until 5. So, instead they got together with the kids they had planned the day date with in the evening and had pizza at Lindsey Moss' house, and then they went to the dance. Afterward Megan decided to bring Steven here, so we could meet him, after they stopped to get a frosty fro Wendy's. When they got here with their frosties, Chet decided that he HAD to have one. So we left them here playing "Guitar Hero" while we went to get a frosty. All in all a good night for Megan. Yay!
A while ago my parents got into thins positive thinking thing. I am not sure it is even any, thing. If nothing else it is for sure a way of positive thinking, and how a persons attitude will affect everything in their life. In a good way or a bad way, depending on a persons own frame of mind. The goal I think, if I understand it correctly, is that there is good in every event in our life. And if we can just focus on that good thing, no matter how bad our situation, we will come out on top, so to speak.
Well, personally I have always had a struggle with the positive thinking side of things. It has always been easier for me to see " the glass half empty". I spent a few weeks, at separate times, visiting my folks this summer, and I think for me, having my Dad & Mom, continually telling me to "focus on something good" in whatever situation I was in, be it arguing with my kids, my hubby, or yelling at an annoying driver. It had an impact on me and my way of thinking. Now don't get me wrong, I still have to get on myself DAILY and sometimes even minute by minute, trying to make sure that I am not getting stuck in the mire of what ever it is that is wrong with any given circumstance.
I have to tell you, that this was the time in my life that I really need to focus on the good. This year at work, thing have been a real challenge, and I have been trying SO hard to keep in mind all of the good things about my job and everything that went good that day. Every day has NOT been a success either! On the days that I consider less than positive, I can honestly say that once I get stuck in the mire of woes and bad thoughts and sometime negative chit chat, that it has only served to bring me lower. Not only that, it seems like for the next several days after, I spend SO much time digging out of that pit, that it seems like I have lost so much time.
Anyway, I have had a few people in the last while, (both at work and other wise) tell me how much they appreciate my good attitude and how impressed they are that I am trying so hard to keep positive. I didn't take on this personal challenge so that I would get a pat on the back from anyone. I did it to try to see, if I couldn't make myself a happier person, and in the process a better Wife and Mother. I do have to say though, that it is nice to know that my efforts are working, in more ways than just with my family. In the same token, I think I should be a little embarrassed, if it is that noticeable then I really wonder how bad must I have been sometimes.
This road may be long, but I am learning to enjoy all of the journey, not just the highlights! I am trying to be a positive person, and in doing so I think I am becoming more of a friend to myself than I have ever been. I hope that I will continue to be a point of positive energy to myself and to those around me. And a sincere thanks to my Parents for their everlasting and far reaching affects on my life. I love you both!


Kati said...

Yay! I just found your blog off of Mary Ann's! I love having another way to connect with you! Keep up the positive thinking - you are a great example to me. Love you!

Mary Ann said...

I just found your blog too! I love this post. I definitely need to start thinking more positively. It seems that I have been sinking deeper and deeper into depression lately. It's one of the reasons I took time off from school. Keep posting happy thoughts and maybe it will rub off on me!