Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am sorry.

I am sorry for anything I have or may have done, both in the past or the present, that may have or probably did offend someone. I am truly sorry.
Now the reason I feel such need to write about this is because, I have been faced with a situation today, that made me wonder if there has ever been a time when I might not have been, either out of line, or just to selfish in my own way of thinking, that might have caused someone else pain that I didn't even know I had inflicted. Or that I might just have felt justified in my actions.
I have a friend, who has determined to not to come to church again, due to the actions of someone who may, or may not know what they have done. And I know that we need to go to church for our own good, and not because people are nice to us while we are there. I get that. It's just like, well, like the thought that our homes should feel to us like a safe place to be. Right? Well, in my heart and mind, I think of church, and our ward family much the same way. We should feel like we are going to be safe when we go to church. No, I do not think we are all going to get along great, nor do I think that we are all going to have the same opinions or standards of living. But I do think that if we are truly trying to be Christ like, and live the religion we are, that we would at least try to show compassion and caring for someone else who might come into contact with us.
My heart breaks for those who feel like no matter where they go, they are either not welcome, or not accepted for the people they are and the gifts they have that they might bring to the table, so to speak. Or that they will be criticized for something no matter what.
I have made a personal challenge with myself,(hence why it is personal ;)) that why I am at church, to try to be aware of how my actions may be affecting those around me.
I know, for me this is going to be a huge challenge! I am not the most reverent person. Some days there are 3 year olds that behave better than I do. Chet is often sshhhuusshhing me and Megan. He tells me "don't you know how distracting that is?" Well, in my simple mind, I didn't think it was really that big of a deal. For me, I am usually looking for a distraction! I know I'm bad. Again I am sorry if I have been a distraction.
I know that I want to be liked and accepted, as does everyone else in one way or another. Just remember the golden rule. "do unto others as you would have done unto you" That is sometimes a hard one to do, but if we really do look at things this way, wouldn't we all be even just a little happier? That's my goal, to both be just a little happier, by trying to make someone else just a little happier. And to my friend, I hope you come back soon, you are missed, if not by everyone, at least by those of us that have taken the time to really get to know you.


Kallie said...

Jana, I found your blog through Maryann's. I like this topic. However, I am sad that someone has stopped coming to church because of another offending them. I always hate to hear that some family has become inactive because of one persons unkind actions or words. I think you however are always nice to everybody. And seem to do well on getting to know everyone. It's been fun being in the presidency with you.

Mary Ann said...

I hope I did not offend this person in any way. I try to see if anyone is feeling left out, but sometimes I get caught up in my own life and feelings of being left out myself. Sometimes I feel that I'm just the wrong age, though at heart I'm still 18.