Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 14 2014

Today, I have spent some time reflecting back, to when the kids were little. Looking at it now, I didn't realize back then how truly blessed I/we were for me to be able to stay home with our kids while they were little! I don't even know for sure today what made me think back to it.
I was thinking about the amazing women in my life. My Mom, the aunts and so many women I knew. So many of them HAD to work. But not only did they work outside the home, they then continued to work with vigor when they finally returned home! THAT was one of the things I was thinking about. HOW on Earth did they do it? I stayed home until Ford was in 1st grade before I re-entered the work scene, and then it was usually for 3 to 4 hours a day. The I would go home and feel like I had to rush around like a crazy person in order to accomplish anything other than dinner! My  Mom was simply AMAZING! She sewed, she cooked and taught us to do the same, she gardened with Dad and together the took care of the house and animals. (we always had animals) THEN as is THAT wasn't enough! Come fall she canned like a crazy person! Kept us in fruits and veggies, soups, jams and jellies! I learned a lot just by observing! I too now can and preserve many of my own things thanks to the wonderful example I was provided with!
Anyway, I have gotten off track a little. My original today was how did those who didn't have to opportunity to be a stay at home Mom make it through and accomplish all the things that they did!
I simply shake my head in amazement.
So here is to all those who not only worked their fingers to the bone inside the home as a care giver, but outside as well! You have been an inspiration without even know it! I hope to someday be as cool as you! (without passing right out!) ;)

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