Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 13 Thanksgiving count down....

I am thankful for driving! For having a car to get me from point A to point B and back again, or to no place in particular. I was driving home from work on the freeway and I realized I was totally enjoy the time I was spending just riding down the road.
For some reason it is relaxing to me! Since before Chet and I were married, if we were having problems our working it out ALWAYS involved a car! Probably because I couldn't just leave while we were driving down the road... There was much time spent and much fuel wasted if you and to look at it that way. I however; choose to see it as fuel well used. Because here we are today, still getting in the car when we need to spend time talking without having anyone hear but us! Not to mention all the other times we spend in the car/truck out of sheer enjoyment! We love to go for rides and the like. So I am grateful for driving!

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