Sunday, November 15, 2009

A very nice day!

We here at the Parker's house had a very nice day. If I sound surprised that is because for me Sunday's can be a struggle. Trying to do what I am suppose to do and not everything else that always seems to be in my face. You get the drift.
Anyway, yesterday I made a loaf of bread for a friend of Chet's but we ended up not being able to take it to her because she ended up leaving. So we got ready for church early this morning and went to take it to her today. It was very nice to meet her and get the chance to visit face to face. I had a headache that was building into a migraine and Chet's parent were coming over for dinner after we got out of church. So after meeting Chet's friend we went home so I could take more medicine and get some stuff in the oven so dinner could start. I had promised Kati I would be at church and though I really didn't feel up to going I went for Relief Society, and I am glad. Sister Sage gave a really good lesson. By the time I got home, The headache had eased a little bit so I was able to get dinner finished almost the same time that Chet's folks got here. The only thing missing from dinner was Megan, because she had to go to work. After dinner we turned on the movie Up! and enjoyed spending the evening with Chet's parents. Now my headache is trying to ebb back in, so I will take some more meds and be off to bed. What a very nice day indeed.

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